We do more than just tax returns — a lot more! We can assist you with many other financial matters.
We can use your tax return and other information to assist you with other financial matters.
Among the other services we provide are the following:
- Business problem solving
- Computer selection and use
- Business sales and acquisitions
- Lease-buy decisions
- Business expansion
- Real estate sales and acquisitions
- Projections, budgets, goals
- Retirement planning
- Inventory control systems
- Equipment purchases and sales
- Office systems and controls
- Insurance review with your agent
- Pension and profit sharing plan considerations
- Financial and estate planning
- Divorce tax planning
- Planning for education expenses
- Business succession planning
Please contact us with your questions. You'll see that we do more than just tax returns. We're here to help you succeed in your business and personal finances.
News & Resources
Contact Us
40 Lincoln Avenue
Livngston, NJ 07039
(973) 992-6886
Fax: (973) 994-9230
E-mail: paul@paulbcpa.com
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